Saturday, February 13, 2010

London and flight to South Africa, Wed. Feb 3, 2010

Sarah writes:
Right now I'm on the plane to South Africa! :)
I'm SOOO happy because I HATE the cold weather!  Today we went to The London Dungeon.  It was pretty much like a haunted house.  First we took a picture of Gabriel, Alex and I getting our heads chopped off by my mom and Alex's mom, then my dad and Alex's dad were strangling the moms.  After the picture we went through the labyrinth maze with so many mirrors.  I think we just went in a big circle until someone let us out.  Then we learned about Sweeny Todd and got a hair cut from him... really scary man!  Then we learned about Jack the Ripper and his victims.  Then we went to the court room where Alex was found guilty for pinching lady's bottoms and Craig was found guilty for loving a horse! :)  Then we were sentenced to be hung.  The hanging was one of those drop rides and then we were done and left for the airport.
At the London Dungeon gift shop on their spooky chair!

We returned to our hotel via the Tube and everyone was excited about that.  We ate pasties on the ride and were a bit sad our London visit was over.
Now we are flying to South Africa (in coach class the rest of the way, boo hoo), but the plane was so empty we each have our own row of seats to stretch out over and sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Salmon family!! Glad you sent the blog link. Looks and sounds like you guys are having a great time....I'm soooo jealous! You'll be glad to know that your house is still standing and seems to be in normal order :0)
    Safe travels and have fun....
    Carmen and the rest of the Toth's
