Up at 5am and on the road at 5:30am to see the animals.
Stop out in the bush around 7-7:30am for coffee, hot tea, fresh muffins and cookies. Table set up with tablecloth and everything!
Legs are stretched, stomachs happy, then back out for another hour of seeing animals.
After our 3 hour morning drive, around 9am, it was time for a full breakfast, both hot and cold foods. Always delicious and welcome after our full morning drives.
After breakfast, homework time for the kids. They took over the open loft area above the room where Gabriel slept. They found some plastic kiddy furniture and moved it up there. Debbie and I also took advantage of the wonderful massages and spa treatments they had available at the main lodge.
One day after the kids finished their homework, John took them on a hike around the area near the Manor house. Always worried about safety, he took his gun with him. The kids learned even more about the smaller creatures that you don't see while driving.
Afternoon brought another stunning and delicious meal. Lunch around 1:30pm
After lunch was time for swimming, laying out in the sun, reading, and napping (my favorite).
The place was stunning, with a small electric fence that enclosed the yard making it safe to hang out.
Another afternoon option was a trip to the local village. Jonathan and Gabriel went and had an amazing experience including a visit to the "sangoma", the local healer.
Then back out at 4:30pm for 3 more hours of game driving, seeing animals and learning about them.
Around 6-6:30pm we would stop for "sun-downers", sodas for the kids, mixed drinks for the adults plus snacks for all. Notice there is not only a tablecloth, but a runner, too! Fancy, fancy!
Back to the manor house around 7:30pm and dinner at 8pm. The table was always beautifully set, the lighting lovely, the table decorations completing the picture.
One night, they moved the table out next to the pool where they had a fire pit going and cooked an amazing braii (African barbeque), including some local foods that were mighty tasty!
After lingering for good conversation and nice wine, it was time for bed around 9:30-10pm, because that 5am wake-up was coming again the next morning!

Our trip would not have been nearly as nice had it not been for the wonderful people that work at Tintswalo. Kensani cooked the most delicious foods for us. Her recipes are amazing!
Selbi kept trying to take credit for Kensani's recipes, which cracked us up! It was sort of odd to have a butler, but Selbi was so relaxed and fun to be with, that we quickly got used to our pampered lifestyle!

John and Alfi made our safari the amazing experience that it was!
Watching Alfi and John track game, both from the vehicle and on foot was so cool... Alfi truly was worth his weight in gold for his ability to find us all those awesome animals to see!
Alfi took extra time with the kids, teaching them and making things for them from the local trees, grasses etc. Here he is putting the finishing touches on a bracelet he wove from tree bark that became as strong as any rope once it was woven.
Alfi showed the kids how to weave grasses to make lots of different things, including this razor. He also made fly swatters and toothbrushes from the bush! I think he should go on "Survivor"!
Alfi and John gave each of the kids an opportunity to sit in the tracker's seat and try to spot animals. Needless to say, it was much harder than Alfi made it look!

John was our driver, teacher, companion at meals, and organizer of what ever we wanted to do. He put himself at our disposal from 5am until 9pm every day.
When the kids wanted to hike, he took them out.

While we were out in the bush, he was always teaching us, from the biggest animal's habits to the nest of foam a frog made by a watering hole.
The kids all loved him and thought he walked on water!

When the kids joked around, he jumped right in.
Our experience at Tintswalo was everything we were hoping it would be AND MORE! If you are planning on going on an African safari in your lifetime, I would HIGHLY recommend Tintswalo... and don't forget to ask for Kensani, Selbi, Alfi and John!
What an amazing end to our trip!!
Marci and Jonathan....You have given your children some memories that will last them their whole lives. Wow...I am blown away by the entire trip and so happy to have shared it with you. Thank you....wonderful photos.